Categorical Data and Enums

Categorical data and enums #

A column that holds string values that can only take on one of a limited number of possible values is a column that holds categorical data. Usually, the number of possible values is much smaller than the length of the column. Some typical examples include your nationality, the operating system of your computer, or the license that your favorite open source project uses.

When working with categorical data you can use Polars’ dedicated types, Categorical and Enum, to make your queries more performant. Now, we will see what are the differences between the two data types Categorical and Enum and when you should use one data type or the other. We also include some notes on why the data types Categorical and Enum are more efficient than using the plain string values in the end of this user guide section.

Enum vs Categorical #

In short, you should prefer Enum over Categorical whenever possible. When the categories are fixed and known up front, use Enum. When you don’t know the categories or they are not fixed then you must use Categorical. In case your requirements change along the way you can always cast from one to the other.

Data type Enum #

Creating an Enum #

The data type Enum is an ordered categorical data type. To use the data type Enum you have to specify the categories in advance to create a new data type that is a variant of an Enum. Then, when creating a new series, a new dataframe, or when casting a string column, you can use that Enum variant.

{{code_block(‘user-guide/expressions/categoricals’, ’enum-example’, [‘Enum’])}}

--8<-- "python/user-guide/expressions/"

Invalid values #

Polars will raise an error if you try to specify a data type Enum whose categories do not include all the values present:

{{code_block(‘user-guide/expressions/categoricals’, ’enum-wrong-value’, [‘Enum’])}}

--8<-- "python/user-guide/expressions/"

If you are in a position where you cannot know all of the possible values in advance and erroring on unknown values is semantically wrong, you may need to use the data type Categorical.

Category ordering and comparison #

The data type Enum is ordered and the order is induced by the order in which you specify the categories. The example below uses log levels as an example of where an ordered Enum is useful:

{{code_block(‘user-guide/expressions/categoricals’, ’log-levels’, [‘Enum’])}}

--8<-- "python/user-guide/expressions/"

This example shows that we can compare Enum values with a string, but this only works if the string matches one of the Enum values. If we compared the column “level” with any string other than "debug", "info", "warning", or "error", Polars would raise an exception.

Columns with the data type Enum can also be compared with other columns that have the same data type Enum or columns that hold strings, but only if all the strings are valid Enum values.

Data type Categorical #

The data type Categorical can be seen as a more flexible version of Enum.

Creating a Categorical series #

To use the data type Categorical, you can cast a column of strings or specify Categorical as the data type of a series or dataframe column:

{{code_block(‘user-guide/expressions/categoricals’, ‘categorical-example’, [‘Categorical’])}}

--8<-- "python/user-guide/expressions/"

Having Polars infer the categories for you may sound strictly better than listing the categories beforehand, but this inference comes with a performance cost. That is why, whenever possible, you should use Enum. You can learn more by reading the subsection about the data type Categorical and its encodings.

Lexical comparison with strings #

When comparing a Categorical column with a string, Polars will perform a lexical comparison:

{{code_block(‘user-guide/expressions/categoricals’, ‘categorical-comparison-string’, [‘Categorical’])}}

--8<-- "python/user-guide/expressions/"

You can also compare a column of strings with your Categorical column, and the comparison will also be lexical:

{{code_block(‘user-guide/expressions/categoricals’, ‘categorical-comparison-string-column’, [‘Categorical’])}}

--8<-- "python/user-guide/expressions/"

Although it is possible to compare a string column with a categorical column, it is typically more efficient to compare two categorical columns. We will see how to do that next.

Comparing Categorical columns and the string cache #

You are told that comparing columns with the data type Categorical is more efficient than if one of them is a string column. So, you change your code so that the second column is also a categorical column and then you perform your comparison… But Polars raises an exception:

{{code_block(‘user-guide/expressions/categoricals’, ‘categorical-comparison-categorical-column’, [‘Categorical’])}}

--8<-- "python/user-guide/expressions/"

By default, the values in columns with the data type Categorical are encoded in the order they are seen in the column, and independently from other columns, which means that Polars cannot compare efficiently two categorical columns that were created independently.

Enabling the Polars string cache and creating the columns with the cache enabled fixes this issue:

{{code_block(‘user-guide/expressions/categoricals’, ‘stringcache-categorical-equality’, [‘StringCache’, ‘Categorical’])}}

--8<-- "python/user-guide/expressions/"

Note that using the string cache comes at a performance cost.

Combining Categorical columns #

The string cache is also useful in any operation that combines or mixes two columns with the data type Categorical in any way. An example of this is when concatenating two dataframes vertically:

{{code_block(‘user-guide/expressions/categoricals’, ‘concatenating-categoricals’, [‘StringCache’, ‘Categorical’])}}

--8<-- "python/user-guide/expressions/"

In this case, Polars issues a warning complaining about an expensive reenconding that implies taking a performance hit. Polars then suggests using the data type Enum if possible, or using the string cache. To understand the issue with this operation and why Polars raises an error, please read the final section about the performance considerations of using categorical data types.

Comparison between Categorical columns is not lexical #

When comparing two columns with data type Categorical, Polars does not perform lexical comparison between the values by default. If you want lexical ordering, you need to specify so when creating the column:

{{code_block(‘user-guide/expressions/categoricals’, ‘stringcache-categorical-comparison-lexical’, [‘StringCache’, ‘Categorical’])}}

--8<-- "python/user-guide/expressions/"

Otherwise, the order is inferred together with the values:

{{code_block(‘user-guide/expressions/categoricals’, ‘stringcache-categorical-comparison-physical’, [‘StringCache’, ‘Categorical’])}}

--8<-- "python/user-guide/expressions/"

Performance considerations on categorical data types #

This part of the user guide explains

  • why categorical data types are more performant than the string literals; and
  • why Polars needs a string cache when doing some operations with the data type Categorical.

Encodings #

Categorical data represents string data where the values in the column have a finite set of values (usually way smaller than the length of the column). Storing these values as plain strings is a waste of memory and performance as we will be repeating the same string over and over again. Additionally, in operations like joins we have to perform expensive string comparisons.

Categorical data types like Enum and Categorical let you encode the string values in a cheaper way, establishing a relationship between a cheap encoding value and the original string literal.

As an example of a sensible encoding, Polars could choose to represent the finite set of categories as positive integers. With that in mind, the diagram below shows a regular string column and a possible representation of a Polars column with the categorical data type:

String Column Categorical Column

The physical 0 in this case encodes (or maps) to the value ‘Polar’, the value 1 encodes to ‘Panda’, and the value 2 to ‘Brown’. This encoding has the benefit of only storing the string values once. Additionally, when we perform operations (e.g. sorting, counting) we can work directly on the physical representation which is much faster than the working with string data.

Encodings for the data type Enum are global #

When working with the data type Enum we specify the categories in advance. This way, Polars can ensure different columns and even different datasets have the same encoding and there is no need for expensive re-encoding or cache lookups.

Data type Categorical and encodings #

The fact that the categories for the data type Categorical are inferred come at a cost. The main cost here is that we have no control over our encodings.

Consider the following scenario where we append the following two categorical series:


Polars encodes the string values in the order they appear. So, the series would look like this:

cat_series cat2_series

Combining the series becomes a non-trivial task which is expensive as the physical value of 0 represents something different in both series. Polars does support these types of operations for convenience, however these should be avoided due to its slower performance as it requires making both encodings compatible first before doing any merge operations.

Using the global string cache #

One way to handle this reencoding problem is to enable the string cache. Under the string cache, the diagram would instead look like this:

SeriesString cache

When you enable the string cache, strings are no longer encoded in the order they appear on a per-column basis. Instead, the encoding is shared across columns. The value ‘Polar’ will always be encoded by the same value for all categorical columns created under the string cache. Merge operations (e.g. appends, joins) become cheap again as there is no need to make the encodings compatible first, solving the problem we had above.

However, the string cache does come at a small performance hit during construction of the series as we need to look up or insert the string values in the cache. Therefore, it is preferred to use the data type Enum if you know your categories in advance.
