Numpy functions #
Polars expressions support NumPy ufuncs. See the NumPy documentation for a list of all supported NumPy functions.
This means that if a function is not provided by Polars, we can use NumPy and we still have fast columnar operations through the NumPy API.
Example #
--8<-- "python/user-guide/expressions/"
Interoperability #
Polars’ series have support for NumPy universal functions (ufuncs) and generalized ufuncs.
Element-wise functions such as np.exp
, np.cos
, np.div
, etc, all work with almost zero
However, bear in mind that
Polars keeps track of missing values with a separate bitmask and NumPy does not
receive this information. This can lead to a window function or a np.convolve
giving flawed or
incomplete results, so an error will be raised if you pass a series with missing data to a
generalized ufunc. Convert a Polars series to a NumPy array with the function to_numpy
. Missing
values will be replaced by np.nan
during the conversion.