Multiprocessing #
TLDR: if you find that using Python’s built-in multiprocessing
module together with Polars results
in a Polars error about multiprocessing methods, you should make sure you are using spawn
, not
, as the starting method:
When not to use multiprocessing #
Before we dive into the details, it is important to emphasize that Polars has been built from the
start to use all your CPU cores. It does this by executing computations which can be done in
parallel in separate threads. For example, requesting two expressions in a select
statement can be
done in parallel, with the results only being combined at the end. Another example is aggregating a
value within groups using group_by().agg(<expr>)
, each group can be evaluated separately. It is
very unlikely that the multiprocessing
module can improve your code performance in these cases. If
you’re using the GPU Engine with Polars you should also avoid manual multiprocessing. When used
simultaneously, they can compete for system memory and processing power, leading to reduced
See the optimizations section for more optimizations.
When to use multiprocessing #
Although Polars is multithreaded, other libraries may be single-threaded. When the other library is the bottleneck, and the problem at hand is parallelizable, it makes sense to use multiprocessing to gain a speed up.
The problem with the default multiprocessing config #
Summary #
The Python multiprocessing documentation lists the three methods to create a process pool:
- spawn
- fork
- forkserver
The description of fork is (as of 2022-10-15):
The parent process uses os.fork() to fork the Python interpreter. The child process, when it begins, is effectively identical to the parent process. All resources of the parent are inherited by the child process. Note that safely forking a multithreaded process is problematic.
Available on Unix only. The default on Unix.
The short summary is: Polars is multithreaded as to provide strong performance out-of-the-box. Thus,
it cannot be combined with fork
. If you are on Unix (Linux, BSD, etc), you are using fork
unless you explicitly override it.
The reason you may not have encountered this before is that pure Python code, and most Python
libraries, are (mostly) single threaded. Alternatively, you are on Windows or MacOS, on which fork
is not even available as a method (for MacOS it was up to Python 3.7).
Thus one should use spawn
, or forkserver
, instead. spawn
is available on all platforms and the
safest choice, and hence the recommended method.
Example #
The problem with fork
is in the copying of the parent’s process. Consider the example below, which
is a slightly modified example posted on the
Polars issue tracker:
Using fork
as the method, instead of spawn
, will cause a dead lock.
The fork method is equivalent to calling os.fork()
, which is a system call as defined in
the POSIX standard:
A process shall be created with a single thread. If a multi-threaded process calls fork(), the new process shall contain a replica of the calling thread and its entire address space, possibly including the states of mutexes and other resources. Consequently, to avoid errors, the child process may only execute async-signal-safe operations until such time as one of the exec functions is called.
In contrast, spawn
will create a completely new fresh Python interpreter, and not inherit the
state of mutexes.
So what happens in the code example? For reading the file with pl.read_parquet
the file has to be
locked. Then os.fork()
is called, copying the state of the parent process, including mutexes. Thus
all child processes will copy the file lock in an acquired state, leaving them hanging indefinitely
waiting for the file lock to be released, which never happens.
What makes debugging these issues tricky is that fork
can work. Change the example to not having
the call to pl.read_parquet
This works fine. Therefore debugging these issues in larger code bases, i.e. not the small toy
examples here, can be a real pain, as a seemingly unrelated change can break your multiprocessing
code. In general, one should therefore never use the fork
start method with multithreaded
libraries unless there are very specific requirements that cannot be met otherwise.
Pro’s and cons of fork #
Based on the example, you may think, why is fork
available in Python to start with?
First, probably because of historical reasons: spawn
was added to Python in version 3.4, whilst
has been part of Python from the 2.x series.
Second, there are several limitations for spawn
and forkserver
that do not apply to fork
, in
particular all arguments should be pickable. See the
Python multiprocessing docs
for more information.
Third, because it is faster to create new processes compared to spawn
, as spawn
is effectively
+ creating a brand new Python process without the locks by calling
execv. Hence the warning in
the Python docs that it is slower: there is more overhead to spawn
. However, in almost all cases,
one would like to use multiple processes to speed up computations that take multiple minutes or even
hours, meaning the overhead is negligible in the grand scheme of things. And more importantly, it
actually works in combination with multithreaded libraries.
Fourth, spawn
starts a new process, and therefore it requires code to be importable, in contrast
to fork
. In particular, this means that when using spawn
the relevant code should not be in the
global scope, such as in Jupyter notebooks or in plain scripts. Hence in the examples above, we
define functions where we spawn within, and run those functions from a __main__
clause. This is
not an issue for typical projects, but during quick experimentation in notebooks it could fail.